Networking in Catalyst

In Catalyst, processes can communicate in multiple ways. In-cluster communication is facilitated by Kubernetes internal DNS names. Certain services or endpoints are also exposed through ingress routes.


For every participant running on Catalyst, following (internal) endpoints are available:

  • Ledger API: <canton-participant-name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local:5011

  • Admin API: <canton-participant-name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local:5019


    • jsonapi-<canton-participant-name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local:7011

    • http(s)://<canton-participant-name>.<your-domain>

(Default ports are used. If you set custom ports when creating a participant, values are different)


For every domain running on Catalyst, following (internal) endpoints are available:

  • Public API: <canton-domain-name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local:5018

  • Admin API: <canton-domain-name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local:5019

  • If ingress is enabled on a domain, a route is created to the public API: http(s)://<canton-domain-name>.<your-domain>

(Default ports are used. If you set custom ports when creating a domain, values are different)


For every application running on Catalyst, following (internal) endpoints are available:

  • <application-name>.<namespace>.svc.cluster.local:80

  • Backend app: http(s)://<subdomain>.<your-domain>/<application-name>/api

  • Frontend app: http(s)://<subdomain>.<your-domain>/<application-name>

(Default port is used. If you set a custom port when creating an application, values are different)