IaC Canton Console Setup


  • Clarify Route53 zone name (subdomain for TLD)

  • Share NS records from a newly created zone and ask a client to federate them in their TLD-hosted zone

  • Clarify budget for infra and instance types

  • Request access to create new users/roles/policies in AWS IAM

  • Clarify which region to use in a cloud provider

Request intellecteu to provide you access to all required repos; gitlab; jfrog and other required resources.

  • Fork the GitLab group


Fork the GitLab group

  • Update parameters for the AWS CloudFormation Stack to create an S3 bucket and DynamoDB table. CF is located under the ./cloudformation folder. Proceed to the creation of a stack:

aws cloudformation create-stack --stack-name $YOUR_STACK_NAME \
  --template-body file://cloudformation/terraform-state-resources.yaml \
  --region $YOUR_REGION
  • Change in ./environments/$site/eks/backend.tf desired S3 + DynamoDB (from the previous step), region and key (name of the state file), e.g., check the dev env.

  • Update the env configuration and location of the Addons + Workloads repos in ./environments/$site/eks/main.tf. Also, enable/disable desired addons/workloads (default ones will be enabled if not specified).

        addons_org        = "git@gitlab.com:intellecteu"
        addons_repo       = "$LINK_TO_YOUR_REPO"
        addons_revision   = "main"
        addons_basepath   = ""
        addons_path       = "bootstrap/control-plane/addons"
        workload_org      = "git@gitlab.com:intellecteu"
        workload_repo     = "$LINK_TO_YOUR_REPO"
        workload_revision = "main"
        workload_basepath = ""
        workload_path     = "bootstrap/workloads"

$LINK_TO_YOUR_REPO looks like "products/catalyst/cat-bp/shared/$SUBGROUP_NAME/catalyst-eks-workloads-$CUSTOMER_NAME"

  • Update VPC CIDR, AWS region, and preferable instance types in ./environments/$site/eks/main.tf

  • To initialize the project for the first time, execute terraform init -upgrade in the desired environment folder, e.g., inside the ./environments/dev/eks folder. Then run `terraform apply

At this point, you should have infra with created secrets in AWS Secrets Manager and running ArgoCD.

To configure ArgoCD and default add-ons/workloads for the first time we need to:

  • Enable ArgoCD Access:

# Example using port-forward
kubectl port-forward service/argocd-server -n argocd 8080:443
# Or start port-forward via Lens ( Services -> argocd-server -> Forward )

After the addons repo is set up, LoadBalancer for ArgoCD will be created.

  • Retrieve the initial admin password. It’s named catalyst-eks-argocd-$site by default and should be created via Terraform in AWS Secrets Manager.

  • Login in argocd via web browser in [e.g. localhost:8080 ]

  • Configure access keys in Settings of desired repos and ArgoCD itself to allow ArgoCD to retrieve all needed repos/charts:

    • Preparation:

      • In GitLab go to ( Settings → Repository → Deploy Keys (click [Expand]) → Add new key ) and add the public key to the list .Repeat in other repositories by clicking [Enable] for the same key.

Gitlab Repos
Figure 1. Gitlab Repo
  • Go to IntellectEU’s Jfrog and log in using credentials created for this customer in the service desk ticket. These credentials should be stored/available in the 1Password Validators Vault.Then in JFrog click on your user and choose ( Set Me Up → helm ). Paste your JFrog password and click [Generate Token & Create Instructions]. This token will be used later as CUSTOMER_PASSWORD to set up a connection to the docker and helm registries

    • In ArgoCD:

  • Go to ( Settings/Repositories → +Connect Repo ) and follow this guide using the private SSH key created by Terraform in AWS Secrets Manager.

Figure 2. ArgoCD

Repeat for other repositories

Again click [+Connect Repo] and now choose your connection method via HTTPS and type helm. Input any name, e.g., canton-console-jfrog-CUSTOMER_NAME; username and password from JFrog (Preparation step above)

ArgoCD Params
Figure 3. ArgoCD Params
  • Create a Kubernetes secret to pull canton-related images from IntellectEU’s JFrog kubectl create secret docker-registry intellecteu-jfrog-access --docker-server=intellecteu-catbp-docker.jfrog.io --docker-username=CUSTOMER_USERNAME --docker-password=CUSTOMER_PASSWORD --docker-email=CUSTOMER_EMAIL -n catalyst-canton


  • Create a Kubernetes secret to pull canton-related images from DA’s JFrog

TO DO request a new secret for the customer

As of now the same secret is used everywhere

Now ArgoCD will track any changes you make in add-ons/workloads repositories.


  • catalyst-eks-addons repo

We have three methods for specifying Helm values, depending on whether we want to apply changes globally, per cluster, or per environment. The priority for applying these values is as follows:

  1. Default Values: Located in ./environments/default/addons. These values are applied to every environment by default.

  2. Cluster-Specific Values: Located in ./environments/clusters/$CLUSTER_NAME/addons. These values are applied specifically to the $CLUSTER_NAME Kubernetes cluster. This is useful if you have multiple environments within a single cluster.

  3. Environment-Specific Values: Located in ./environments/$ENV/addons. These values are applied to a specific environment.

By structuring values this way, you can ensure that general settings apply across all environments, while allowing for customization at both the cluster and environment levels.

IaC will install the following addons by default (some of them are needed by Catalyst):

Cert Manager: Enables Cert Manager to manage certificates.

External Secrets: Enables External Secrets to manage Kubernetes Secrets.

AWS EBS CSI Resources: Enables AWS EBS CSI (Container Storage Interface) resources for dynamic provisioning of Amazon EBS volumes.

Cluster Autoscaler: Enables Cluster Autoscaler to automatically adjust the size of the cluster based on resource usage.

Kube Prometheus Stack: Enables the Kube Prometheus Stack for monitoring and alerting using Prometheus and Grafana.

Metrics Server: Enables Metrics Server to collect resource metrics from Kubelets and expose them via the Kubernetes API server.

Traefik: Enables Traefik as an ingress controller for managing ingress traffic.

Crossplane: Enables Crossplane for managing cloud infrastructure using Kubernetes.

AWS Crossplane Upbound Provider: Enables the AWS Crossplane Upbound Provider for integrating AWS resources with Crossplane.

  • Adjust settings for Cert Manager, External Secrets, Kube Prometheus Stack

    • Cert-Manager changes

    • Navigate to environments/$ENV/addons/cert-manager/values.yaml and update the following:

    • AWS Hosted Zone ID

    • Region

    • DNS Domains

    • Issuer Email

    • Default Wildcard Certificate for Traefik (added to the default TLSStore)

  • External-Secrets changes

    • Navigate to environments/$ENV/addons/external-secrets/values.yaml (and update the following:

    • AWS External Secrets Role ARN (Created by the Terraform IaC project)

    • Region

  • Kube-Prometheus-Stack changes

    • DNS Hosts: Update all DNS hosts as required for Keycloak integration and Grafana ingress creation. Note that the Grafana authentication section is not required.


  • catalyst-eks-workloads repo

IaC will install the following workloads by default:

Keycloak: Enables Keycloak to manage Catalyst authentication.

Canton-Console: Enables Catalyst Operator for Canton management.

  • Keycloak configuration

    • Navigate to environments/$ENV/workloads/keycloak/values.yaml and update the following:

      • DNS Hosts: Update all DNS hosts as needed for certificates and Keycloak ingress creation.

      • RDS Database: Creation will be handled by Crossplane. Update the following items in the Instance object:

        • region: $YOUR_REGION

        • dbSubnetGroupName: $CUSTOMER_NAME-$ENV-eks-private

        • vpcSecurityGroupIds: Update the security group ID to allow Kubernetes nodes to access this private RDS (security group with the most entries)

        • Review the remaining fields and update if needed

    • Navigate to ?environments/$ENV/workloads/keycloak/realm.json` and update DNS Hosts together with displayName/displayNameHtml fields

After Keycloak is up and running, you can log in using catalyst-eks-keycloak-admin-$site secret from the AWS Secrets Manager.

In Keycloak navigate to the [Create realm] and import the `catalyst-eks-workloads/environments/$ENV/workloads/keycloak/realm.json file.

Go to ( Users → [Add user] and fill the fields similar to Screenshot 2024-09-30 at 17.34.06.png . Then confirm and go to ( Credentials → [Set password] ). Save that password in 1Password. This will be the admin user for the canton-console.

  • Repeat the same process for the user with only viewer permissions if needed

  • If groups (admin/viewer) aren’t created by default, map permissions to users via Role mapping. For admin, you will need to map roles "default-canton" and "offline_access" from the realm roles list and then in the drop-down choose another list and from it select canton_writer+canton_viewer for canton-api, canton-operator, and canton-ui. For the viewer group you need to do all the same things except adding roles with canton_writer labels.

  • Canton Console Configuration

Navigate to environments/$ENV/addons/external-secrets/values.yaml and update the following:

  • AWS External Secrets Role ARN (Created by the Terraform IaC project)

  • Region

  • License Key

  • Secrets for canton-api and canton-operator.

    • To do that you should log into the keycloak admin panel, open canton-console realm and then go to the clients scope. Find there canton-api and canton-operator. Open each, navigate to the credentials tab, and regenerate the password. Then copy that new password and paste it in the corresponding field inside the canton-console/values.yaml file

In case you need some additional help please contact IntellectEU Support team.