Get Started - Onboarding

Get ready

This workflow aims to get you started with the creation of your rollup with a simple onboarding wizard.

Once you are logged in, in case you haven’t defined any existing Rollup, provide your Rollup name and select the Base chain to which your rollup will be connected.

Proceed to the onboarding screen.

Step 1 - Add your identities

To register an identity provide the identity title and proceed by one of two ways:

  • 1 - Ask Catalyst to generate your keys that will be kept under your domain and can be accessed at any time though your instance.

  • 2 - Upload a keystore that contains you cryptographic keys:

Generate keys
Figure 1. Step 1 - Generate Keys for onboarding

Step 2 - Add DAC Nodes

To create nodes under your DAC, you can either create them from scratch or import existing nodes to manage them through Catalyst console.

  • To create a new node please, provide the name of the node and the keystore

  • To Import an existing node, insert the name of the node and the Endpoint URL

Add DAC nodes
Figure 2. Step 2 - Add DAC nodes

Step 3 - Deploy your smart contracts and set your committee up

Check the Deploy Leve 1 smart contracts check-box to Deploy your smart contracts, and select you committee setup in the dropdown box.

Add DAC nodes
Figure 3. Step 3 - Deploy smart contracts and set committee

Step 4 - Configure genesis block - provide the config files or the information asked by the form.

  • Select if you want to enable Faucet and provide the Faucet Address.